Friday, October 30, 2009

Illustration for poem


Illustration for poem by Aleksey Tolstoy (Russian poet, novelist and dramatist). This poem is about child and devious dragonflies. Dragonflies said that they love him, that they will teach him how to fly, but when child ran to them he was dragged into pond.


Иллюстрация к стихотворению А. К. Толстого «Где гнутся над омутом лозы...»
Случайно наткнулась на него и прочитав его так точно и не разобралась – стрекозы хорошие или плохие? Поискала ответ и вот что нашла: «Первоначальная редакция стихотворения была вдвое больше: после описания весёлого хоровода стрекоз рассказывалось о том, как ребёнок побежал на их зов и был затянут в омут.» (источник Викитека ). Значит не зря меня терзали смутные сомнения по поводу  доброжелательности стрекоз :)

Monday, October 26, 2009


I really like fairy tales, fantasy and adventure books. When I was a child, I read a lot, those books were like gates into the world full of magic, adventures and incredible creatures. It was fun.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tall and grumpy

Why is she grumpy? I don't know... Maybe she was waiting for prince on a white horse, not the hobbit... or she is a hungry model and she wants meat, not a flower... What do you think?

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Zetod – a very talented Estonian band. I have been on their live concerts, it was amazing.
You can read more about them and listen their music on their website (and you can find them on YouTube too ;) )